Grace x





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Grace X Lovejoy (B.1972, Reno, NV United States) is an artist who works in a variety of media. Her Manifestations series features Shibori Dyed Indigo in denim, and are airbrushed to reveal her spiritual manifestations impressed into the fabric. By applying an abstract approach, Lovejoy makes work that deals with the recognition of her Ancestors, the Colonial Indigo trade and the reality of its ties to slavery. The work manifests this with the help of ancient Shibori & Indigo dyeing techniques and its meditative practice. Grace strives to tell the story without creating a figurative representation out of respect to those who suffered because of it.

Her artworks reference recognizable forms manifest in the work. The results are deconstructed to the extent that meaning is shifted and possible interpretation becomes multifaceted visually and spiritually. By emphasizing aesthetics, she creates intense movement in color masterfully creating & stimulating the full spectrum of the Universe including UV light, which is an acceptance of the awesome cycle of life, luring the viewer deeper into the work and to recognize that we are all stardust.



Biography cont.

Grace’s works are also an investigation into the state of Black personhood today and those of previous generations, as well as the pressures of her personal experiences that can only be realized in abstract art. With Plato’s Allegory of The Cave in mind, she invites the viewer into a world outside the realm of the day to day and into the sublime divinity of the Astral Plane. Sacred Universal Patterns exist to punctuate the human drama in order to clarify our perception of its existence, allowing us to find poetic meaning in everyday life.

Her works sometimes radiate an otherworldly light. Faces, at times disconcerting, but often beautiful, emerge from the work of their own accord. Grace is simply calling them through her meditative Shibori practice and documenting their impressions on the fabric. Their inherent visual seductiveness, along with the conciseness of the energies manifest, further complicate the reception of their manifold layers of meaning. Look and you will see them looking back at you.




The Manifestations Series are Shibori Dyed Indigo in denim, then airbrushed with colors of the UV spectrum to reveal my spiritual manifestations impressed into the fabric. The works reveal different forms and patterns in different RGB lighting. This is a viewing experience that is the visual representation of the presence of Universal beings. By applying abstraction, I make work that deals with the recognition of the Ancestors, the Indigo trade and the reality of its modern day ties to slavery in the form of American Denim. The work manifests this with the help of my meditative practice. I am able to reach deep into the spirit of my indigo vat and bring beauty by telling the true story of indigo by revealing its mysteries and its legacy through my art.

-Grace X Lovejoy



04 Manifestation No.1 2020

05 Manifestation No.4 2021

06 Manifestation No.3 2022





Grace x



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3850 Vanessa Dr

Las Vegas NV 89103

STUDIO: 702-509-4990


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